Topic List

  • Basic Definition: Data, Information, Database, Database Management System, Database System

  • Different types of Database: Relational Database, Non Relational Database, Object Oriented Database

  • Basic Terms: Schema, Instance, Table/Relation/Entity Set, Column/Field/Attribute, Row/Record/Tuple/Entity, Value/Data, Data Type/Attribute Domain, Keys

  • DBMS Architecture: 1-Tier Architecture, 2-Tier Architecture, 3-Tier Architecture

  • Codd's 12 Rules for Relational DBMS

  • Data Models: Entity-Relationship Model, Relational Model, Object Oriented Model

  • Entity-Relationship (ER) Model

    • Entity and Entity Set: Strong Entity, Weak Entity

    • Attributes: Simple Attribute, Composite Attribute, Stored Attribute, Derived Attribute, Single-valued Attribute, Multi-valued Attribute, Key Attribute

    • Keys: Super Key, Candidate Key, Primary Key, Composite Key, Foreign Key, Secondary or Alternative key, Non-key Attributes, Non-prime Attributes

    • Relationships

      • Degree of Relationship: Unary (/Recursive) Relationship, Binary Relationship, Ternary Relationship, N-ary Relationship

      • Cardinality of Relationship: One to One, One to Many, Many to One, Many to Many

      • Strong Relationship, Weak Relationship

    • Enhanced ER Model: Generalization, Specialization, Aggregation

    • ER Model to Relational Model

  • Functional Dependencies

    • Terms: Inference Rule, Axiom, Determinant, Dependent

    • Armstrong’s Axioms: Augmentation, Reflexivity, Transitivity, Decomposition/Projective, Union/Additive, Pseudo Transitive

    • Types: Trivial, Non Trivial, Multivalued, Transitive, Full, Partial

    • Find: Attribute Closure, Super Keys, Candidate Keys

  • Normalization: First Normal Form (1NF), Second Normal Form (2NF), Third Normal Form (3NF), Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF), Fourth Normal Form (4NF), Fifth Normal Form (5NF)

  • Denormalization

  • Decomposition: Lossless Decomposition, Lossy Decomposition

  • Relational Algebra

  • Relational Calculus

  • Constraints and Triggers

  • Transaction Management

  • Concurrency Control

  • File Organization

  • Indexing: Primary Index, Secondary Index, B+ Trees, Hash Tables

  • Query Optimization

  • Recovery

  • Access Control and Security

  • Structured Query Language

    • Data Definition Language (DDL): Create, Alter, Drop, Rename, Truncate

      • Alter: Database, Event, Function, Instance, Logfile Group, Procedure, Server, Table, Tablespace, View (Can not be Altered: Index, Spatial Reference System, Trigger)

      • Create: Database, Event, Function, Index, Logfile Group, Procedure, Server, Spatial Reference System, Table, Tablespace, Trigger, View

      • Drop: Database, Event, Function, Index, Logfile Group, Procedure, Server, Spatial Reference System, Table, Tablespace, Trigger, View

      • Rename: Table

      • Truncate: Table

    • Data Manipulation Language (DML): Insert, Update, Delete

    • Data Query Language (DQL): Select

    • Transaction Control Language (TCL): Start Transaction, Begin, Commit, Rollback, Savepoint, Lock Instance/Table, Unlock Instance/Table

    • Data Control Language (DCL): Grant, Revoke

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