#include<stdio.h>intmain() {int a =5, x =0; a =5; x = a+++ a+++ a+++ a++;printf("X = %d \tA=%d\n", x, a); //X = 26 A=9 a =5; x = a+++ a++- a+++ a++;printf("X = %d \tA=%d\n", x, a); //X = 12 A=9 a =5; x = a+++ a++* a+++ a++;printf("X = %d \tA=%d\n", x, a); //X = 55 A=9 a =5; x = a+++ a++- a++* a++;printf("X = %d \tA=%d\n", x, a); //X = -45 A=9 a =5; x = a+++ a++* a++* a++;printf("X = %d \tA=%d\n", x, a); //X = 341 A=9return0;}
#include<stdio.h>intmain() {int a =5, x =0; a =5; x =++a +++a +++a +++a;printf("X = %d \tA=%d\n", x, a); //X = 31 A=9 a =5; x =++a +++a -++a +++a;printf("X = %d \tA=%d\n", x, a); //X = 15 A=9 a =5; x =++a +++a *++a +++a;printf("X = %d \tA=%d\n", x, a); //X = 81 A=9 a =5; x =++a +++a -++a *++a;printf("X = %d \tA=%d\n", x, a); //X = -67 A=9 a =5; x =++a +++a *++a *++a;printf("X = %d \tA=%d\n", x, a); //X = 585 A=9return0;}
#include<stdio.h>intmain() {int a =5, x =0; a =5; x = a+++++a + a+++++a;printf("X = %d \tA=%d\n", x, a); //X = 28 A=9 a =5; x = a+++++a -++a + a++;printf("X = %d \tA=%d\n", x, a); //X = 12 A=9 a =5; x =++a + a++*++a +++a;printf("X = %d \tA=%d\n", x, a); //X = 65 A=9 a =5; x =++a + a++- a++*++a;printf("X = %d \tA=%d\n", x, a); //X = -50 A=9 a =5; x =++a + a++*++a *++a;printf("X = %d \tA=%d\n", x, a); //X = 441 A=9return0;}
#include<stdio.h>intmain() {int a =10, b =5;printf("%d\n", a ||++b);printf("%d\n", b);return0;}
#include<stdio.h>intmain() {int a =100;char b = a*3;printf("%d\n", a);printf("%d\n", b);return0;}
#include<stdio.h>intmain(){int a =15, b =4; // practice for 0 <= b <= 20printf("%d\n", a % b);printf("%d\n", a %-b);printf("%d\n",-a % b);printf("%d\n",-a %-b);return0;}
Write down a function that will check whether a year is a leap year or not
Write a program to calculate factorial
Write a pseudo code to identify whether a given sequence is palindrome or not using stack and queue. You do not need to write code to implement stack and queue.
Compute the sum of palindrome numbers between 100 and 999
Write a function to reverse a string without using a global variable
Write down a method in C++ to reverse a char array. You are not permitted to use temp array and STL lib function.
Find the number of integers not divisible by 3, 5, or 7 which are <= 100
Write a program using a pointer to insert a number in a sorted list, it was forbidden to use array notation like array[], all should be done by pointer notation.
Write a function that takes an integer number and separates each digit using recursion