Topic List

  1. Introduction

    1. History, Evolution, Overview, Features

    2. Basic Structure of a Java/C++ Code

    3. Data Types, Constant, Variables, Comment

    4. Input, Output

  2. Operators

  3. Conditional Statement

    1. if, else

    2. switch

  4. Loop

    1. while, do while

    2. for

    3. for each

    4. break, continue

  5. Array

    1. Array

    2. Multidimensional Array

  6. String

  7. Class, Object, Method

    1. Class

      1. Attribute/Field

      2. Method

        1. Constructor (Copy Constructor)

        2. Destructor (Garbage Collection in Java)

      3. Access Modifiers

        1. Default [Package Private in Java, Private in C++]

        2. Private (Only within the Class)

        3. Protected (Within Class and Derived Class)

        4. Public (Anywhere)

      4. Inner/Nested Classes

      5. This, Static, Final, Super

      6. Scope of Attribute and Method

    2. Object

      1. Array of Objects

  8. Encapsulation

    • Attributes, Methods, Access Modifiers

  9. Inheritance

  10. Polymorphism

    1. Method Overloading

    2. Method Overriding

    3. Operator Overloading

  11. Abstraction

    1. Abstract Class

    2. Interface

  12. Exception Handling

  13. [Generics in Java] / [Template in C++]

  14. [Collections in Java] / [Standard Template Library (STL) in C++]

  15. Package

  16. Advanced Topic

    1. File

    2. Multithreaded Programming

    3. Synchronization

      1. Synchronization

      2. Inter-thread Communication

      3. Thread Deadlock

      4. Thread Control

    4. Application

      1. Java Database Connectivity

      2. Graphical User Interface

      3. Object-Oriented Design Patterns

      4. Networking

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