Problem Set 0: IDE, First C Program - 4
IDE, Create and Save C Program File
Download and Install the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Software
Different IDE Software based on Device and Operating System
Windows: Code::Blocks (codeblocks-20.03mingw-setup.exe)
Computer: Visual Studio Code
Online Compiler: Programiz Online C Compiler
MacOS: Visual Studio Code
Linux: Code::Blocks
Android: Coding C
Create a File to write a C Program
Save the File (File Extension: .c)
Problem Set 0: First C Program [4]
Write the Basic Code Structure of a C Program.
Write your first C Program: Print "Hello World" without the double quotation.
Comment in C Program.
Print Multiple Lines of Text. (Print "Hello World", "Hello Universe", and "Hello Black Hole" in three different lines without the double quotation)
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