Problem Set 6: Function and Recursion - 42
Write the Function for each problem. Print each line trailing with a new line.
Problem Set 6.1: Passing Arguments and Returning Values
Print "Hello World"
Function Prototype: void print_hello(void)
Argument: No Argument
Process: Print the String Constant "Hello World"
Return: No Return
Print an Integer Number
Function Prototype: void print_int(int)
Argument: One Integer Constant/Variable as Value
Process: Print the Integer Number
Return: No Return
Print a Float Number
Function Prototype: void print_float(float)
Argument: One Float Constant/Variable as Value
Process: Print the Float Number
Return: No Return
Print a Double Number
Function Prototype: void print_double(double)
Argument: One Double Constant/Variable as Value
Process: Print the Double Number
Return: No Return
Print a Character
Function Prototype: void print_char(char)
Argument: One Character Constant/Variable as Value
Process: Print the Character
Return: No Return
Input an Integer Number and return the number
Function Prototype: int input_int()
Argument: No Argument
Process: Take an Integer Number input from the user
Return: Return the Integer Input
Input a Float Number and return the number
Function Prototype: float input_float()
Argument: No Argument
Process: Take a Float Number input from the user
Return: Return the Float Input
Input a Double Number and return the number
Function Prototype: double input_double()
Argument: No Argument
Process: Take a Double Number input from the user
Return: Return the Double Input
Input a Character and return the Character
Function Prototype: char input_char()
Argument: No Argument
Process: Take Character input from the user
Return: Return the Character Input
Input a String and return the String
Function Prototype: char* input_string()
Argument: No Argument
Process: Take a String input from the user
Return: Return the String Input
NB: String is a Character Array in C Programming, Return the Array Pointer
Print a String
Function Prototype: void print_string(char*)
Argument: One String Argument (Pass Your Name as String) as value
Process: Print Hello “Your Name"
Return: No Return
NB: String is a Character Array in C Programming, Pass a String inside the double quotation ("String Inside")
Problem Set 6.2: Arithmetic Operation
Calculate Square
Function Prototype:
int square(int)
float square(float)
double square(double)
Argument: One Integer/Float/Double Constant/Variable as Value
Process: Calculate the Square of the given Integer/Float/Double Number
Return: Return the Squared Number
Calculate Cube
Function Prototype:
int cube(int)
float cube(float)
double cube(double)
Argument: One Integer/Float/Double Constant/Variable as Value
Process: Calculate the Cube of the given Integer/Float/Double Number
Return: Return the Cubed Number
Calculate Power (X^Y)
Function Prototype: power(base, exponent) [Consider the First Argument as Base and Second Argument as Exponent]
int power(int, int)
float power(float, int), float power(float, float)
double power(double, int), double power(double, double)
Argument: One Integer/Float/Double Constant/Variable as Base and Another Integer/Float/Double Constant/Variable as Exponent
Process: Calculate the Power of the given Integer/Float/Double Numbers as Base^Exponent
Return: Return the Resulting Number
Calculate Summation
Function Prototype: int summation(int, int)
Argument: Two integer numbers
Process: Calculate the summation of the given numbers
Return: Return the summation of the given numbers
Calculate Difference
Function Prototype: int difference(int, int)
Argument: Two integer numbers
Process: Calculate the difference between the given numbers
Return: Return the difference between the given numbers
Calculate Product
Function Prototype: int product(int, int)
Argument: Two integer numbers
Process: Calculate the product of the given numbers
Return: Return the product of the given numbers
Calculate Quotient
Function Prototype: int quotient(int, int)
Argument: Two integer numbers
Process: Calculate the quotient of the given numbers
Return: Return the quotient of the given numbers
Calculate Reminder
Function Prototype: int reminder(int, int)
Argument: Two integer numbers
Process: Calculate the remainder of the given numbers
Return: Return the remainder of the given numbers
Calculate Average
Function Prototype: float average(int, int, int)
Argument: Three integer numbers
Process: Calculate the average of the given numbers
Return: Return the average of the given numbers
Find the Area of a Triangle using the Base and Height
Function Prototype: float triangle_area(float, float)
Argument: Two float numbers as base and height
Process: Calculate the area of the triangle using base and height
Return: Return the area of the triangle
Find the Area of a Triangle using the length of 3 sides
Function Prototype: float triangle_area(float, float, float)
Argument: Three float numbers as the length of 3 sides
Process: Calculate the area of the triangle using the length of 3 sides
Return: Return the area of the triangle
Find the Area of a Rectangle using the length of 3 sides
Function Prototype: float rectangle_area(float, float)
Argument: Two float numbers as the length of 2 sides
Process: Calculate the area of the rectangle using the length of 3 sides
Return: Return the area of the rectangle
Find the Area of a Circle using the Radius
Function Prototype: float circle_area(float)
Argument: One float number as the radius
Process: Calculate the area of the circle using the radius
Return: Return the area of the circle
Convert the Temperature from Celsius Scale to Fahrenheit Scale
Function Prototype: float to_fahrenheit(float)
Argument: One float number as the temperature in the Celsius scale
Process: Calculate the temperature in Fahrenheit Scale
Return: Return the temperature to Fahrenheit Scale
Convert the Temperature from Fahrenheit Scale to Celsius Scale
Function Prototype: float to_celsius(float)
Argument: One float number as the temperature in the Fahrenheit scale
Process: Calculate the temperature in Celsius Scale
Return: Return the temperature to the Celsius Scale
Problem Set 6.3: Conditional Statement
Determine EVEN or ODD
Function Prototype:
void test_even_odd(int)
Argument: One Integer Variable as Value
Process: If the given number is even then print Even, otherwise print Odd
Return: No Return
Determine EVEN or ODD
Function Prototype:
int is_even(int)
_Bool is_even(int)
bool is_even(int)
Argument: One Integer Variable as Value
Process: If the given number is even then return true, otherwise return false
Return: Return true or false based on the condition
Determine Leap Year or Not
Function Prototype:
int is_leap_year(int)
_Bool is_leap_year(int)
bool is_leap_year(int)
Argument: One Integer Variable as Value
Process: If the given number is Leap Year then return true, otherwise return false
Return: Return true or false based on the condition
Find the Maximum between 2 numbers
Function Prototype:
int maximum(int, int)
float maximum(float, float)
double maximum(double, double)
char maximum(char, char)
Argument: Two Integer/float/double/character Variables as Value
Process: If the first number is larger then return it, otherwise return the other number
Return: Return the maximum between two numbers
Find the Minimum between 2 numbers
Function Prototype:
int minimum(int, int)
float minimum(float, float)
double minimum(double, double)
char minimum(char, char)
Argument: Two Integer/float/double/character Variables as Value
Process: If the first number is smaller then return it, otherwise return the other number
Return: Return the minimum between two numbers
Find the Maximum between three (3) numbers
Function Prototype:
int maximum(int, int, int)
float maximum(float, float, float)
double maximum(double, double, double)
char maximum(char, char, char)
Argument: Three Integer/float/double/character Variables as Value
Process: If the first number is the largest then return it, if the second number is the largest then return it, otherwise return the third number
Return: Return the maximum among three numbers
Find the Minimum between three (3) numbers
Function Prototype:
int minimum(int, int, int)
float minimum(float, float, float)
double minimum(double, double, double)
char minimum(char, char, char)
Argument: Three Integer/float/double/character Variables as Value
Process: If the first number is the smallest then return it, if the second number is the smallest then return it, otherwise return the third number
Return: Return the minimum among three numbers
Problem Set 6.4: Loop
Calculate the summation of natural numbers up to N.
Calculate the summation of odd natural numbers up to N.
Calculate the summation of even natural numbers up to N.
Calculate the summation of the square of odd natural numbers up to N.
Calculate the summation of the cube of even natural numbers up to N.
Calculate factorial N.
Print each divisor (or factor) of the given number.
Calculate the total number of divisors of a number.
Calculate the summation of divisors of a number.
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