Data Type, Input, Output - 8
Problem Set 1.2: Exercise - Data Type, Input, Output [8]
I/O your Age. (Take input, give output once, and take Input and give output again using only one variable.)
I/O your CGPA. (Take input, give output once, and take Input and give output again using only one variable.)
I/O your Name Initial. (First Character of your name). (Take input, give output once, and take Input and give output again using only one variable.)
I/O your Nickname. (Take input, give output once, and take Input and give output again using only one variable.)
I/O your Full Name. (Take input, give output once, and take Input and give output again using only one variable.)
I/O your Full Name, Your age, and Your CGPA print as follows:
Hello, [Your Full Name] Your age is [Your Age] Your CGPA is [Your CGPA]
Input one integer number (in a decimal number system) and print that number as an integer, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal (uppercase, lowercase) number system.
Input one integer number (decimal/octal/hexadecimal) and print that number in the integer, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal (uppercase, lowercase) number system.
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