Data Type, Data Type Modifier, Format Specifier, Size, Limit, Address - 9
Problem Set 1.3: Data Type, Data Type Modifier, Format Specifier, Size, Limit, Address [9]
Primitive Data Type
Declare one variable for each Primitive Data Type.
Declare an integer variable.(Repeated: Data Type, IO Problem Set 1.1)Declare a float variable.(Repeated: Data Type, IO Problem Set 1.1)Declare a double variable.(Repeated: Data Type, IO Problem Set 1.1)Declare a character variable.(Repeated: Data Type, IO Problem Set 1.1)
[1] Print the Memory Size for each Primitive Data Type in Byte.
Print the Memory Size for an integer variable.
Print the Memory Size for a float variable.
Print the Memory Size for a double variable.
Print the Memory Size for a character variable.
[2] Print the Memory Address of one variable for each Primitive Data Type (char, int, float, double) as a local and global variable.
Local Variable (Local Variable, Argument, Local Constant Variable, Array, Local Pointer) [Stack Segment]
Dynamically Allocated Memory [Data Segment -> Heap]
Uninitialized Global Variable (Global Variable, Global Pointer) [Data Segment -> Static Segment -> Uninitialized Data Segment]
Uninitialized Local Static Variable [Data Segment -> Static Segment -> Uninitialized Data Segment (BSS Segment)]
Initialized Global Variable (Global Variable, Global Pointer, Constant Global Variable) [Data Segment -> Static Segment -> Initialized Data Segment]
Initialized Local Static Variable [Data Segment -> Static Segment -> Initialized Data Segment]
[3] Print the Maximum and Minimum Limit for each Primitive Data Type.
Print the Maximum Value for an integer variable.
Print the Minimum Value for an integer variable.
Print the Maximum Value for a float variable.
Print the Minimum Value for a float variable.
Print the Maximum Value for a double variable.
Print the Minimum Value for a double variable.
Print the Maximum Value for a character variable.
Print the Minimum Value for a character variable.
Input and print a value for each Primitive Data Type.
Input one integer number and print that number.(Repeated: Data Type, IO Problem Set 1.1)Input one float number and print that number.(Repeated: Data Type, IO Problem Set 1.1)Input one double number and print that number.(Repeated: Data Type, IO Problem Set 1.1)Input one character and print that character.(Repeated: Data Type, IO Problem Set 1.1)
Primitive Data Type including Modifiers
[4] Declare one variable for each Primitive Data Type including Modifiers.
[5] Print the Memory Size for each Primitive Data Type in Bytes including Modifiers.
[6] Print the Memory Address of one variable for each Primitive Data Type including Modifiers as a local and global variable.
[7] Print the Maximum and Minimum Limit for each Primitive Data Type including Modifiers.
[8] Assign or Initialize value for each Primitive Data Type including Modifiers.
[9] Input and print a value for each Primitive Data Type including Modifiers.
Data Type, Data Type Modifier
List all primitive data type names, keywords, size, and format specifiers.
Integer Number (
)Single Precision Floating Point Number (
)Double Precision Floating Point Number (
)Character (
)Void (
List all primitive data type names including modifiers, keywords, size, and format specifiers. (Total 30 Keywords)
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