2.2.2 Arithmetic Operator Exercise [10]

Problem Set 2.2.2: Arithmetic Operator Exercise [10]

  1. [1] Calculate the Average of Three Numbers.

  2. [2] Calculate Body Mass Index (BIM) using Weight and Height. [BMI=weight(kg)/height(m)^2]

  3. [3] Calculate the Reminder of Two Numbers without using the modulus (%) operator.

  4. [4] Swap values of two variables without using a third variable using Arithmetic Operators.

  5. [5] Determine the Number of Notes Required to represent a Money Amount. (Consider you have the following notes: 1000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1)

  6. [6] Calculate the Electricity Bill based on Total Unit Uses. (Consider the following bill slab for unit uses: First 100 Units => 10 tk, Next 200 Units => 15 tk, Next 75 Units => 20, Rest of the Units => 30 tk)

  7. Complex Number Operations

    1. [7] Summation of Two Complex Numbers.

    2. [8] Subtraction of Two Complex Numbers.

    3. [9] Multiplication of Two Complex Numbers.

    4. [10] Division of Two Complex Numbers.

* Note: Bold Word Indicates the Input for the program.

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