String - 32

Problem Set 8.2: String

  1. String Basic

    1. Declare a String Variable (Repeated: Problem Set 1.1: Data Type, IO)

    2. Assign value to a String Variable (Repeated: Problem Set 1.1: Data Type, IO)

    3. Initialize a String Variable in all possible ways (Repeated: Problem Set 1.1: Data Type, IO)

    4. Print the value of a String Variable (Repeated: Problem Set 1.1: Data Type, IO)

    5. [1] Print the Amount of Memory Allocated (Memory Size) by a String variable

    6. [2] Print the Memory Address for a String Variable

  2. Input String

    1. Input the first character of your name and display it on the screen (Repeated: Problem Set 1.1: Data Type, IO)

    2. Input one word (string) (Ex: your last name) and print that word (Repeated: Problem Set 1.1: Data Type, IO)

    3. Input one sentence (Ex: your full name) and print that sentence (Repeated: Problem Set 1.1: Data Type, IO)

      1. Input a sample paragraph with 3-5 sentences and print all the sentences (Similar: Problem Set 8.2: String)

    4. [3] Input string and print that string for N times (Take Input N from the user at the beginning)

    5. [4] Input string and print that string until the input is "quit"

    6. [5] Input string and print that string until the end of file

  3. Character Count in String

    1. [6] Count the length (total number of characters) of a String

    2. [7] Count the total number of Uppercase Letters in a String

    3. [8] Count the total number of Lowercase Letters in a String

    4. [9] Count the total number of Alphabet in a String

    5. [10] Count the total number of Digits in a String

    6. [11] Count the total number of Alphanumeric Characters in a String

    7. [12] Count the total number of Special Characters in a String

    8. [13] Count the total number of Vowels in a String

    9. [14] Count the total number of Consonants in a String

  4. Other Counts in the String

    1. [15] Count the total number of words in a String

    2. [16] Count the total number of sentences in a paragraph

    3. [17] Count the total number of Articles in a Paragraph

  5. Character Conversion in String

    1. [18] Print a String in Uppercase Letters (Original String may contain uppercase, lowercase, digit, and special character)

    2. [19] Print a String in Lowercase Letters (Original String may contain uppercase, lowercase, digit, and special character)

    3. [20] Print a String, print all the Vowels in Uppercase Letters, and print all the Consonant in Lowercase Letters (Original String may contain uppercase, lowercase, digit, and special character)

  6. Arithmetic Operations [Big Integer Operation] (Input Two Integer Numbers into String) [In Decimal, In Binary]

    1. [21] Perform Addition Operation

    2. [22] Perform Subtraction Operation

    3. [23] Perform Multiplication Operation

    4. [24] Perform Division Operation

    5. [25] Perform Reminder Operation

  7. String Operations

    1. [26] Compare two strings to find whether they are the same or not

    2. [27] Print a String in Reverse Order

    3. [28] Reverse the String into another variable

    4. [29] Reverse the String into the same variable

    5. [30] Check whether a string is a Palindrome or not

    6. [31] Compare two strings [strcmp(str1, str2), library: string.h]

      • Lexicographically same (same string)

      • Lexicographically smaller (Comes first in Dictionary Order)

      • Lexicographically bigger (Comes later in Dictionary Order)

    7. [32] Input Multiple String and print them in Dictionary Order (Lexicographical Order)

Note: Solve all the problems without using the Library Function, then solve using the necessary Library Function where applicable.

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